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 Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas?

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SeaSalt IceCream
SeaSalt IceCream

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Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas? Empty
PostSubject: Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas?   Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas? EmptyMon Dec 14, 2009 1:40 am

It's always confused me why Athiests would celebrate the holiday given that it's the day chosen to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Easter is another one that confuses me, being the fact that it celebrates the ressurection of Christ from the dead. Now given Athiests don't believe in God and that any of this happened why do they celebrate it?
Santa Clause - Come's from SAINT Nicholas who the catholics deemed to be the Saint of Children because he used to give gifts to sick kids or something (I can't remember it all... google it.)
Again a thing from a nothing Christian background. Yet I have friends who are Athiest that still give gifts at Christmas time.

Anyone care to explain?
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Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas?   Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas? EmptyMon Dec 14, 2009 5:50 am

its a good question, and it does make perfect sense...

...Unfortunately you won't like what I have to say, in my defense I have studied it though and come to some conclusions.

The time of Christmas?

In the Bible it doesn't give a clear time in the year when Jesus was born, now IF it was important then it would be noted in the Bible but if its not important then it isn't that is my view on it, also the trees symbolize a spirit ward, the pagans put them up at a certain time of year to scare away evil spirits or so I read.

What is it about?

Pressents? Trees? bells? Santa Clauss? in fact you'd be hard pressed to find Jesus in it and when he IS in it he is "Baby Jesus" which is what the Catholics often refer to him as. What I read leads me to conclude that Christmas is a pagan winter equinox (equinox it has something to do with the Sun when day and night are same length happens twice a year) festival and was observed by the pagans (who are sun worshipers) now you know pope/emperor Constantine? Last Ceazar and first Pope in the Holy Roman Catholic Church, now he was a pagan sun worshiper, now he took the ideas of Christianity and merged them with the pagan stuff, I don't think early Christians celebrated Christmas because its not in the Bible. Now that is where we got all that "non Christian" stuff from he put some Christian aspects to it but it isn't a Christian celebration but rather a pagan one. Yes that is the true meaning of Christmas and Atheists can worship it because in the Bible it says "whoever is not for me is against me" so if its a non Christian celebration then Atheists can celebrate it even if they claim not to believe in the Super Natural.

Now on to Easter if you would read you Bible you would see that Jesus was Crucified on the Passover, also you will note his desciples were eating grain just days before when does grain ripen? I am pretty sure in Autumn well Easter is Autumn in NZ but its in spring in places like Israel so that does not fit? Anyway in Easter its also and equinox I think and also it is a fertility festival you know eggs bunnies... That is definatly a Pagan aspect and to crown it all of its not in the Bible.

So I am sorry if its not in the Bible it has no basis in truth because if it was important God would mention it in the Bible. There are many more important things in the Bible.

I hope my answer is ok? And didn't offend to many Christians out there because honest its pagan I'm not pagan so I don't celebrate it.
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SeaSalt IceCream
SeaSalt IceCream

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Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas?   Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas? EmptyTue Dec 15, 2009 8:06 am

Hmmm.... do you want to know why I celebrate Christmas.

I actually think it's important.
It symbolises the day Christ came into the world to rescue us from sins.
The tree? I always took it to mean the wood from the stable and manger which protected Jesus, Mary and Joesph.
The star on the top? or the Angel ontop of the Christmas tree says it all. It symbolises the star which guided the wise men to Jesus' birthplace.
The act of recieving gifts is not important. It's the act of GIVING! You see, God gave us the most precious gift of all, Jesus Christ, the promise that whoever accepts him as their lord and saviour shall recieve everlasting life.
That's why Christians give gifts to symbolise their thankfulness of God's most precious gift - his son.
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Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas?   Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas? EmptyTue Dec 15, 2009 8:17 am

I understand you views Christie. But think that is what everyone has always told us right? I've been told that over and over everyone says that, does that make it true though? what people say even pastors doesn't make it true.

I believe in Satan I believe that the people he attacks the most are Christians and I believe that he uses sneaky methods, what I said about the Catholics starting it was true though. I know very few other Christians think as I do but on this one I am certain :/! I read the Bible and believe that, it warns in the Bible against "traditions of men" and Christmas is a tradition, I mean I might take that message to literal but heh I take the Bible literal so I guess its ok.

You don't have to believe me and I got nothing against it if you want to do Christmas, but I still believe its pagan. We should worship and celebrate Jesus everyday of our life... Not just 1. and we should give gifts everyday of our life whether its time money or a kind word or anything... Not just 1.
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SeaSalt IceCream
SeaSalt IceCream

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Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas?   Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas? EmptyTue Dec 15, 2009 8:54 am

I think you're missing the point.

The idea of christians celebrating the birth of Christ IS biblical, Sure, not at december 25th,
but it was the thing to give gifts. The wise men travelled from far and wide in search of Jesus, to give him his gifts (yes I realise that they took a long time to get there)
The act of giving is important. Yes, I agree that we need to celebrate it all the time. However now is the time to share with those who do not believe what we celebrate is really about. Jesus is the Reason for this season.
You're looking but not seeking.
Christmas and Easter is time where Christians can tell the world that Christ died for their sins.

You claim to follow the bible and that is. the thing is you're missing the point,
The act of carolling, at christmas time "Joy to the world the lord is come!"

Don't you see, everywhere the Christian message is displayed,
Don't you realise what a wonderful opportunity this is to share the gospel of Christ.

THAT my friend is exactly why we celebrate Christmas and Easter.

It's the two times a year people stop and think about what it's all about. It's the two times a year we can stop and show God's love without being considered weird.
Christmas hampers to the poor, gifts for needy Children, spreading the love.

I don't know where you got this ideology that Christmas is pagan, but good sir it is wrong.

"Go ye and preach the good news for Christ has risen"

It shocks me that you, wanting to be a preacher wont stand up and be counted round this time of year.
Christmas and Easter are the only two times a year that some people rock up to church
Christmas and Easter are our only two chances to get some people to see the light.

You give gifts to symbolise God gave YOU the most important gift. - His son.

It pleases God when we give to others.

There's things about taking care of the widows and children in the bible. Taking care of the needy,
Everyone (unless you're scrouge) shows the holiday spirit and pitches in to help those who are doing it tough during the holidays.

It's uber important we share Gods love round this time of year, since you're right, this is the time that Satan tries his hardest.
And it shows, the suicide rate is most highest round the holiday period, because people don't know what it's about.

So I don't know about you, but I REFUSE to stick my head in the sand, and say "Bah-humbug"
I spend all my money on gifts, because I give to show I am truly thankful for being given the most precious gift of all.

What message are you as a Christian sending to others saying "I refuse to celebrate the fact that Christ came and Died on the cross for my sins"
Because that's what you're doing.
You're proving the ideoloy that Christians are hypocritical.

You are saying you refuse to rejoyce in the fact that you are saved.

You say that we should celecrate ALL THE TIME, well if I may be so bold as to point out your hypocracy

Saying you wont celebrate at Christmas time is saying

"Oh I celebrate all the time, Except around December and April" that's as bad as the people who only go to church to worship on Christmas and Easter.
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Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas?   Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas? EmptyTue Dec 15, 2009 9:18 am

Chill! Chill!

ok I understand YOUR view very well and I'm not running you down, I'm just stating my view ok? also it says in the Bible to "Test all things" and that... Is exactally what I've done, it was kinda hard to test Christmas and Easter though... normally the theologies I test are in the Bible but sadly I couldn't find one scripture reference so i had to go into other books and materials... as I see above you used no references at all in either of your posts... (Not to run you down or anything like that)

also this is entirely hurtful, I'll put my thoughts in red

Quote :
What message are you as a Christian sending to others saying "I refuse to celebrate the fact that Christ came and Died on the cross for my sins"
I actually don't refuse that I just don't have a set date I do all the time
Because that's what you're doing.
no actually...
You're proving the ideology that Christians are hypocritical.
Hold on a minute girl... I'm just doing what it says in the Bible, you can't say I'm not because Christmas isn't in the Bible so you can't say I'm not following the Bible Razz

You are saying you refuse to rejoyce in the fact that you are saved.
actually I do all the time... Not enough I'll admit so maybe your right I only do a couple times a week at best :/

You say that we should celecrate ALL THE TIME, well if I may be so bold as to point out your hypocracy
I admit I was wrong in saying celebrate but we should be thankful and think about Jesus and what he did for us all the time yes. Which I do over Christmas just in the same way I do throughout the rest of the year.

Saying you wont celebrate at Christmas time is saying
read above

"Oh I celebrate all the time, Except around December and April" that's as bad as the people who only go to church to worship on Christmas and Easter.
read above

And in my defense I will also state that all I wish is to find Gods truth and believe it and do it and obey it, and I ask continually that he will show me his truth and this is where I am at, "ask in my name and it will be given to you"

Also I am not shy of standing up for what I know to be true and for avtually thinking about what I believe in, instead of just listening to what everyone else has to think, (which I do) I just test it as the Bible says "test all things"

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SeaSalt IceCream
SeaSalt IceCream

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Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas?   Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas? EmptyTue Dec 15, 2009 10:16 am

I understand but just to clear things up I wasn't trying to attack you.
I just feel you're missing the point of the holiday season.
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Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas?   Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas? EmptyMon Dec 21, 2009 12:54 am

Interesting topic this. It is funny how the non-believers celebrate it. But to be honest they don't celebrate it based on religious views but how the western world has basically changed it to a commercial thing. People buying looads of stuff at this time of year, spending money making the economy run. They are basically programmed to buy buy buy with sales. I mean you see adverts saying "Nothing says christmas more than a brand new sofa" Oh really?! ;o See what I mean? So nowadays its basically to give and recieve products, get the family together and enjoy a day together.
But as Tintin pointed out, the christianity view of christmas is not clear cut as its not mentioned at all in the bible. People have their own views and beliefs about it. Best thing to do is research yourself and read the scriptures yourself to find the truth. Starting from your own (from begining to end) and then researching others. (something I been doing)

I hope its ok to talk about my views of christmas from an Islamic perspective. Now Muslims believe in Jesus Christ (pbuh) We believe he was one of the mightiest messengers of God, that he performed miracles with the powers given to him by God and was born of a miraculous birth (which many modern day christians do not believe btw) But there are of course parting of ways after this as some christians believe him to be God or part of the trinity. I won't go into that right now but feel free to ask me why for further explanation if you want. No Muslim is a Muslim if he does not believe in Jesus (pbuh). But we do not celebrate his birth or his "death". It is permissable to wish or congratulate a Non-Muslim in their festive seasons or a national holiday as long as a Muslim themself does not participate in the festivy in the same way as most of the time, the celebration includes many things that are against the Islamic Shariah (the laws laid down according to the Quran [the holy book of Islam] and the Sahi Hadiith [the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)]) For example drinking of alcohol, eating of pork, worshipping idols e.t.c. (which is actually forbidden in the 3 major faiths of the world [Christianity, Islam and Hinduism] that might take place during that celebration. If it doesn't then its fine to participate and wish it. But if it does, then just wish it and be on your way. I have just basically breifly described it but for a full explanation with the backed up references from the Quran please click this link
Thankies. And happy holidays everybody! Hope ya'll get the stuffs you want Very Happy
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SeaSalt IceCream
SeaSalt IceCream

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Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas?   Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas? EmptyTue Dec 22, 2009 1:14 am

Thankyou for the different persective Orion, I found it throughly interesting!
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Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas?   Why do Athiests celebrate Christmas? EmptyTue Dec 22, 2009 3:52 pm

Your welcome Ms sweet-and-salty-delicous-creamed ice Wink
If anyone wants to know anymore about the Islamic faith feel free to ask me. I have actually been writing a book that explains what Islam is, what the Quran is and its importance, who Muhammad (pbuh) is and his importance and the the main fundamental beliefs of Islam. There are many misconceptions about it and I'd like to clear that up and spread the truth. Backed up with references from the 3 major doctrines of the world (Bible, Quran and Vedas (including the other Hindu scriptures) I feel its something that will highlight the similarities of the faiths and help people to come to common terms between the religions.
If anyone is interested in reading this when I'm done send me a PM and I'll email it to you once its complete and has been checked over.
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