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 LOST - Yes that confusing show.

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2 posters

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Age : 30
Location : New York's stupid little brother who they keep locked in the basement.

LOST - Yes that confusing show. Empty
PostSubject: LOST - Yes that confusing show.   LOST - Yes that confusing show. EmptyThu Feb 18, 2010 12:14 am

C'mon. I know you've attempted to watch it at least once.

Discussions, questions, comments.


Rants on how confusing it is?
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Lord Grim
Twilight Warrior
Lord Grim

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LOST - Yes that confusing show. Empty
PostSubject: Re: LOST - Yes that confusing show.   LOST - Yes that confusing show. EmptySun Mar 07, 2010 10:28 pm

I have never watched this show,and tbh i won't start. It looks VERY uninteresting, and not all that good imo.
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Posts : 195
Join date : 2009-10-21
Age : 30
Location : New York's stupid little brother who they keep locked in the basement.

LOST - Yes that confusing show. Empty
PostSubject: Re: LOST - Yes that confusing show.   LOST - Yes that confusing show. EmptyTue Mar 09, 2010 1:48 am

B'aw. I like it a lot.
It gets the mind going. But it's too confusing, I'll admit.

But trust me, it's very interesting if you ever did want to get into it.
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LOST - Yes that confusing show. Empty
PostSubject: Re: LOST - Yes that confusing show.   LOST - Yes that confusing show. Empty

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LOST - Yes that confusing show.
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